SportBusiness Staff

The Italian Government has announced a proposal to sell the Colosseum and other historic monuments as part of its privatisation program.

The NFL?s new media operation is considering subscription fees as a revenue source, following the slump in US ad sales.

With no sign of last-minute candidates tossing their hats into the ring, the fight for the FIFA presidency is set to be a tussle between two soccer heavyweights - a smooth-talking Swiss and an affable, straightforward Swede.

South Korean Kim Un-yong has pledged to allow International Olympic Committee (IOC) members to visit cities bidding for the Games if he wins the race for world sport's most powerful job.

Hungary hopes to score a first on the Internet by broadcasting a soccer game live on the web later this month, a local sports newspaper reported.

The Evian Ladies European Tour will host the 2001 Ladies German Open at the Palmerston Golf Resort at Sporting Club Berlin.

Police stationed near the main stadium for the forthcoming World Cup should have a pay rise in recognition of the extra work they will have to put in during the soccer competition, the main police union said on Wednesday.

After a decade of sitting down, many British soccer fans want to get back on their feet. Since 96 supporters died in the Hillsborough disaster 12 years ago, Victorian-era terraces at British soccer clubs have been replaced with seating in line with the recommendations of an inquiry into the nation's biggest footballing tragedy. For the full story see the FEATURES section of

Romanian national coach Anghel Iordanescu has accused the country's soccer authorities of endangering the country's World Cup chances by denying him funds, facilities and competitive warm-up matches.

The 2001 Goodwill Games organisers say they are on track to deliver a successful event.