
Elisha Chauhan speaks to the man driving Formula E, Alejandro Agag, to find out how he thought the inaugural season panned out and what’s in store for the future of the electric racing series.

With both soccer and American football to host in the future, how will English Premier League side Tottenham Hotspur’s new stadium accommodate for both without compromise? Elisha Chauhan reports.

Despite their role as relative newcomers to Olympic sports bidding, World Bowling tells us why they are more than just plucky outsiders.

Frank Dunne asked the major sports betting operators whether the live video streaming market has reached saturation point for sport’s biggest bookmakers, and what the future holds.

As sports lobby relentlessly for a place on the 2020 Olympic programme, it is little wonder that those fortunate enough have a spot at the Games can ill-afford to rest on their laurels. We ask Nenad Lalovic, president of UWW (United World Wrestling) to tell us why.

When the electric Formula E racing series was first launched, it aimed to plug-in to a new generation of motor sport enthusiasts. Industry experts reveal how successful it was in engaging fans.

Emanuel Medeiros, CEO, International Centre for Sport Security Europe, on a bad year for sport integrity and the threats that lie in store for our industry. 

Formula E’s stakeholders analyse the successes and failures of its innaugural season.

Frank Dunne spoke to Javier Tebas, president of the Spanish football league (LFP), about his attempts to reform his country’s football media rights landscape and why Fifa must not abolish third-party ownership.

The upper echelons of European football have continued to achieve strong revenue growth over the last few years, seemingly unaffected by the challenges faced by the wider economy. Deloitte’s Sports Business Group examines the financial performance and characteristics of Europe’s top leagues. By Austin Houlihan and Andy Shaffer, with extracts from the Deloitte Annual Review of Football Finance 2015.

Audience ratings and trends for major events in 2014-15 including the Fifa World Cup, Winter Olympics, Tour de France and more, with data from Eurodata TV Worldwide.The Fifa World Cup 2014 generated the largest average audience for a major international sports event (as opposed to domestic leagues and competitions) in four of the five major European markets in 2014-15. 

The 20 highest-earning football clubs broke through the €6bn revenue mark for the first time in 2013-14, according to the Deloitte Football Money League.

Football is increasing in popularity and gaining in value for US broadcasters, as data from TV Sports Markets Rights Tracker shows.

Sports media rights continue to grow in value around the world. This article looks at figures for the global value of the sector from 2010 to 2017, and the trends driving the growth, with data and analysis from the TVSM Global Report.

How and why different types of football fans engage with the sport, and how this varies around the world, with data from the FANS.PASSIONS.BRANDS study by Havas Sports & Entertainment and the University of Southern California’s Annenberg Innovation Lab.

Getting more women into sport’s major boardrooms: are quotas really the answer?

Eurosport CEO Peter Hutton has overseen dramatic change in just four months of stewardship of the Discovery-owned broadcaster. Matt Cutler travelled to Paris to ask him about the future ambitions of the company.

The US Department of Justice (DOJ) investigation into corruption in football is unprecedented and has presented the sports marketing industry with a number of complicated questions. We canvassed industry insiders to try to answer five of the most pressing questions.