
The largestever J-League soccer crowd turned out on Sunday night to watch J-West beat J-East 3-1 in the mid-season All-Star game.

Media magnate Rupert Murdoch is reported to be in talks to buy English Premier League soccer club Tottenham Hotspur Plc in a deal said to be worth millions of pounds, according to English newspaper The Guardian.

Drivers have got lost and some buses have simply not turned up, but team officials have said the biggest teething problem of the 16th Commonwealth Games in Kuala Lumpur - transport - is getting better.

South Korean President Kim Dae-jung has said he hoped an International Olympic Committee initiative to host sports ties between North and South Korea would eventually lead to joint Korean teams for international competitions.

Formula One chief Bernie Ecclestone and the European Union (EU) competition commissioner have made headway in talks on commercial control of the sport, according to EU officials.

Japan's leading football official has expressed surprise that former FIFA president Joao Havelange should say it was a mistake to award the 2002 World Cup jointly to Japan and South Korea.

South Korea is proceeding well with its preparations for co-hosting the 2002 World Cup finals, the head of a visiting FIFA delegation said on Tuesday.

Olympic leaders said on Friday they would be holding immediate talks on whether Salt Lake City broke Olympic rules in its campaign to win the race to stage the 2002 Winter Games.

FIFA president Sepp Blatter has reaffirmed his support for an Africa bid to host the 2006 World Cup finals when he met South African president Nelson.

Former world 5,000 metres record holder David Moorcroft has been confirmed as head of the British governing body UK Athletics.

Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, underwriter of a planned bond issue for Bernie Ecclestone's Formula One motor racing company, has said reports that other banks would take over the bond were inaccurate.

The UK's third biggest cable operator, NTL, has bought a 6.3% stake in the Premier League soccer club Newcastle United with an option to take control of the company in a deal which would value it at #160m.

A report on the Salt Lake City 2002 Winter Olympics bribery scandal has recommended disciplinary action including expulsion for up to 16 International Olympic Committee (IOC) members, according to the Wall Street Journal.

News Corp Europe, part of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp empire, is set to make a formal offer for Italian television soccer rights by the end of February, chairman Letizia Moratti has announced.

French terrestrial television station TF1 and pay television group Canal Plus have declined to comment on a report they were talking about sharing European football broadcasting rights.

The man who ran the ill-fated 1996 Atlanta Games offered some advice to Sydney 2000 Games organisers on Friday: ignore an Olympic corruption scandal and trust that everything will come out right.

A season-long experiment of using two referees to control matches is likely to be approved at the annual meeting of soccer's law-making International Board on Saturday.

Ireland's state-owned Telecom Eireann is set to pay IR#11 million for the naming rights to a planned 45,000-seat soccer stadium in southwest Dublin.